The Six Figure Success Academy Review (Effective Training Or A Waste Of Your Money?)

Six Figure Success Academy is a program I encountered online recently that promises to train its users to make money online. What got me interested was the striking similarity between this program and other products which I had reviewed that promised a lot but always fell short of what they said they could do. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I did some research to find out what Six Figure Success Academy was all about. I have compiled my findings into this Six Figure Success Academy Review. Let’s begin!


Product Being Reviewed: Six Figure Success Academy






Six figure Success Academy is a Clickbank product by Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda that is touted as a six-week training course meant to help its users generate high-ticket sales through webinar marketing and online courses.


The sales page, like many such pages, is quite simple. One of the first statements you will see when you load the page is an announcement for a “free bonus training class” which you can sign up for by providing your email address. The page describes the program as a no-risk way to make up to $250-$500 multiple times within a day. If you opt to sign up for this training class, you are redirected to a webinar, the contents of which I will discuss in the next section.




The video starts off with the owners, Ty and Mike, introducing themselves. Mike then takes over, promising to show you a legitimate way to create a business that can generate over $250-$500 several times a day. He then warns that the program is not for everyone and that there is no way that they can guarantee the results since it will depend on how you work.


According to the speaker, to get started with the program, you don’t need to have a large following, tech skills, financial stability, expert, a product/service of your own, marketing skills, or even be on camera. You also won’t need to use Facebook ads, Shopify, drop shipping, or marketing skills. What’s more, you can get started as soon as possible since it is easy to navigate the program.


Mike reveals himself as the founder of a company known as Amplify. Before he got started on his own, he worked for an IT company. However, he decided to quit when he was denied a promotion and decided to get into online marketing. He tried everything from affiliate marketing to social media agency but nothing seemed to work. It was only after he stumbled the Six Figure Success Academy program that he found success.


Ty then takes over, revealing that he had worked in the corporate world for 9 years before deciding to quit his job and pursue online jobs. He was initially unsuccessful, but once he found this program, he started making considerable amounts of money that allowed him to travel around the globe.


So the product owners are talking about their own product as if they stumbled on it by chance as opposed to being the actual owners.


Mike then gives an example of a user who made $100,000 within 19 days, and yet another one who made $15,000 within 7 days without a list. In order to be able to replicate the success of these students as well as their own, the speaker breaks down the process into three steps:


• Find someone who has an online course. You don’t need to create your own course since it is already done for you.

• Help them sell more of their online course with the unique template that is provided for you.

• Put the online course in front of people who already want it. This is where you make money.


Step 1: find someone who has an online course



Creating your own online course takes a significant portion of your time, and you also need to have a ton of technical know-how. However, with the program, you are going to be partnered with someone who has already come up with a complete course, and your job will be to sell the course for them. You have the option to work with people in niches that you already enjoy, making your work easier.


To find someone who has a complete course, the speaker recommends going on sites such as Udemy where there are tens of thousands of online instructors. Once you find someone you like, you can proceed to message them and offer to partner up and help them make more sales/profits for their online course. According to the speaker, there is no reason for someone to turn down this offer since it is a win-win situation where they will get more sales for their course.


Step 2: help the course creator (who is referred to as “Bob”) sell more of his online course


The next step is to sell the course with the unique template provided by the program. You don’t need to rely on 1-on-1 sales, VSLs, sales letters, stage sales, third-party platforms, blogs, SEO, or YouTube to make sales. According to the speaker, the best way to sell online courses is through virtual presentations, otherwise known as webinars. The presentations are structured as follows:


• The course creator teaches the audience a topic they are interested in, generally providing value.

• Based on this value, the audience is offered the opportunity to join the online course provided by the creator. When they sign up, you make $250-$500 per person.


Instead of learning to sell a course on a webinar on your own or hiring a copywriter, opt to copy and paste the course you get from a creator into the push-button webinar creator software that is provided by the program. Apparently, this software has generated millions of dollars for users who have had no prior experience in the field. All you have to do is fill in the fields that the course creator gives you info for and get started. The done-for-you webinar setup allows you to have your own webinar up in less than two minutes.


Step 3: put the online course in front of people who already want it


You already have an online course creator who is willing to work with you and a virtual representation ready to go, and all you need is to show the presentation to your target audience. This basically means that you have to find a way to generate traffic. You won’t have to rely on traffic sources such as email lists, a social media following, running paid traffic, or building a website and using SEO.


Instead, all you have to do is find someone in your niche that has an audience/traffic already and have them inform their followers about your virtual presentation. This person is known as an influencer. If they have thousands of people following them already, all this person has to do is direct their followers to your webinar. This way, you won’t have to build your own traffic. As a result, you, the influencer, and the online course creator all earn a substantial income.


According to the speaker, the system has zero risks, and it is completely automated, making it even easier to use. Furthermore, you have the option to work from anywhere, and you don’t need to have technical or marketing skills to get started.


In addition to the Six Figure Success Academy, there are three bonuses you can use to get even faster results:


– Bonus 1

The 8 most profitable niches to start in today. This bonus is valued at $397.


– Bonus 2

The 24-hour “Bob” fast start package that is valued at $597. This bonus includes a tried and tested list of sources for online course creators and 2 sentence emails that get creators on demand.


– Bonus 3

This is the instant webinar success package that is valued at $797. This bonus includes a done-for-you webinar setup and set-it-and-forget-it setup.


If you get the product as soon as possible, there are additional bonuses you can expect:


– Fast action bonus 1

You get the exact webinar creator software that has generated over ten million dollars.


– Fast action bonus 2

The 10 days to six-figure success daily cheat sheet that guides you on exactly what to do.


– Fast action bonus 3

Over-the-shoulder case studies.


In addition to the product and all the bonuses, you also get Q & A and strategy sessions as well as one year of updates and mentoring from the Six Figure Success Academy team. Students of the program have managed to make over $2,209,173.86 in total sales.


There is a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t make at least 100% of your purchase price back. According to the speaker, you will receive two times your purchase price back just for giving the product a try.


To join the member’s area, you have the option to make either one full payment of $997 or two payments of $547.

how does it work?




In the member’s area, you will find a series of short videos that are spread out over a period of 6 weeks. There are also tools and community support provided.


Start here: Six figure success academy Quickstart


This is just a basic introduction of what you can expect from the Six Figure Success Academy.





Week 1: Your six-figure success academy crash course


• Introduction to the course

• Join the members-only Facebook group

• Claim your free gift

• Why are you doing this? (goals)

• An overview of the Six Figure Success Academy (SFSA) model

• What is a webinar?

• How to make money with this model

• A brief introduction to automation

• Tools to get started now


Week 2: How to partner with people like “Bob”


• Overview

• Why this works so well

• Finding a Bob

• A review of the top online market places (Bonus 1)

• Now that you’ve found a few possible Bobs (next steps)

• Become your own Bob (Special bonus 4)

• Special bonus 1- The email to get Bobs on demand


Week 3: Craft your “Money Maker”


• Overview

• The $10M+ webinar script (Fast action bonus 1)

• Understanding the customer

• Ho to guarantee webinar sales

• Analysis of successful webinars


Week 4: Preparing for maximum success (Setup)


This involves setting up your own video software, and the type of hardware that you may need in order to get the best results from using the SFSA system.


Week 5: Generate $1k payments on-demand


Guidance on how you can put the information you have been provided with into practice and generate up to thousands of dollars on demand.


Week 6: Optimize & scale


Get to learn the common market practice of splitting test between what is ultimately profitable and what is not. This way, you effectively get to do away with campaigns that fail to take off and invest your time and finances in those that actually work. Once you know what is working for you, it is easier to scale up your business.




Six Figure Success Academy is a legitimate product that has the potential to earn you money by putting out online courses through webinars. However, there is no guarantee that you will make as much money as the owners or other users of the product. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that you will make any money at all, or that you will not end up losing money. According to the disclaimer, you are discouraged from using the success of others with the product as an indication of future results.

does six figure success academy work?




The SFSA system provides training on how to make money online. The training videos are short and easy-to-follow and there are definitely some useful tips that you can take away from the lessons. Furthermore, you are provided with tools that you need in order to promote products through video marketing. There is also the money back guarantee that allows you to demand a refund within 30 days of purchasing the product.


I wasn’t a big fan of the sales tactics that were used in the video. There was a lot of hype about the high earnings you could make even as a beginner and how fast you could start making money. In reality, it could take you a lot of time before you start making money with this business model. You are required to find influencers in your chosen niche and getting them to endorse the products you are promoting. This is no easy feat, especially if the courses are subpar. I also thought that the product was too pricey for what you get. Even with all the useful tips, I don’t think it is worth $1,000.


I didn’t like the fact that the money back guarantee is conditional. In order to get a refund, you have to fully implement all the strategies in the SFSA course. If you completely fail to see results within 30 days, you can contact the company after which a web meeting will be arranged to verify that you truly undertook the whole course and tried out the specified strategies. It is only after this lengthy process that you can get your refund. Clearly, this is just a way to make sure no one asks for a refund and no one will actually qualify for it, so once the money is paid, that’s it.


Final thoughts? Well, the Six Figure Success Academy can potentially help you make money online. However, there is no guarantee that it will work for you, so you may be better off going for a cheaper alternative.


If you want to use the same training that I used to get me (successfully) started in Affiliate marketing and making money online you should check out the link below – the training is free!






All in all, I hope you will make an informed decision regarding the product based on this review.


To your success,


Mike Aha

4 thoughts on “The Six Figure Success Academy Review (Effective Training Or A Waste Of Your Money?)”

  1. Nice review, I really find this more informational because I didn’t know how the system works and how we can earn money but this article is more helpful by giving accurate information about the program. I think this helps a lot of people like me who try to find more information before joining the program. This review will definitely give clear information about the program.

    Thank you for the review and sharing such useful information.

    • Hi supportcme!

      Thanks for the kind comments.  I always aim for an in-depth review in order to provide my readers with the most complete information possible.  Hopefully, the work I put in helps you to make the right decision for your situation.  While my reviews may be a little lengthy, I believe that giving you, my readers, a very thorough and honest look at different programs is ultimately the right thing to do.

      I have chased so many shiny objects and lost money I could not afford.  My goal is to give the facts (as I see them) and allow you to make a decision.  I wish someone would have done that for me (though perhaps I was not ready to listenn to advice at the time).

      I wish you a ton of success my friend!

  2. No profit guarantee disclaimer. I love how they explicitly have to make that disclaimer. They say they got tired of their regular jobs, initially failed (Guess they want to say, “Once we were just like you”) and then found success with this program (“But now we made it, and only through this program did we make it and only through this program can you make it”).
    The advertising of people making alot of profit in a short time alone is dishonest. It’s maybe legally legit in the sense that it’s
    a finished product and doesn’t per se lie to you, but I don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time. If it were this easy, then no way would it be longterm sustainable. The idea is basically to benefit from other’s work’s without doing much yourself.

    • Thanks for leaving your comment Faheem,

      I agree that these types of programs that tout huge profits in a short period of time are seldom worth investing in.  As I mentioned in my Six Figure Success Academy Review, the price for this product is too steep for what it is.  In addition, I am not a fan of the conditional guarantee.  If you are not satisfied with the product, you would have to prove that you have implemented all the steps before you can get a refund?  What if you are not sure how to implement each and every step?  Who decides that you met whatever minimum standard that the product owner is holding you to?  

      Good luck to you Faheem and thanks again for dropping by!

      MIke Aha

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