Starting from Zero By Fred Lam – We Reveal It All!


Starting from Zero is a Clickbank product that is based on a 5-step system that has supposedly helped users generate incomes of up to millions in sales. Of course, this is a very exciting offer, and I decided to conduct research to verify whether the Starting from Zero system is legit or not. Here is an honest and unbiased review based on that research.


Product Being Reviewed: Starting From Zero




Starting from Zero is a product by Fred Lam that consists of an audio book and a PDF version that is supposed to help you build a successful video online regardless of lack of experience or money.


On the Starting from Zero web page, this is one of the first statements you will see:


“Discover the 5 step framework I used to help my students go from zero to selling over $31 million in products-download my audio book now!”


There is a sales video on the page as well, the contents of which I will discuss in detail in the next section. Apparently, Fred has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Canadian Business, Maclean’s, and The Globe and Mail.


There is also a note from Robert T. Kiyosaki, an entrepreneur, and best-selling author, endorsing the book. He describes Fred as someone who managed to build his business from the ground up from his kitchen table, and he also calls his system ingenious. According to Robert, Fred is capable of showing you how you can sell over 1 million products without having to invest a single cent. Furthermore, you won’t need employees, investors, or a factory to get started. The price of the product is set at $1.99.


There is a dashboard displaying the amount that Fred’s students have made using the Starting from Zero system, which is a total of $32,087,029. According to him, all of his students started from zero, yet they have gone on to generate tens of millions of dollars online. He attributes their success to the 5-step system that he teaches in his book.


Fred reveals that he was a dishwasher with no experience and no money. He had a taste of success in 2008 when he got introduced to an online business that solely sold physical products online. At the time, he had no contact with the products he sold nor did he develop them. He invested tens of thousands of dollars to create the website in order to start advertising online. Within a few months, the business was able to generate over $4.8 million.


However, this success was short-lived, with the business that Fred had started from scratch collapsing unexpectedly. He made the resolution to restart from zero once again, this time with a focus on one main skill that he felt all businesses need-getting traffic. He perfected the skill of buying traffic, and within a short period of time, he was launching one business after the other.





Encouraged by this, Fred decided to start selling physical products again. Within no time, he managed to generate over $1.6 million worth of sales, and in 2014, he launched 2 other businesses. With the launch of several businesses, he quickly realized the need to develop a reliable system in order to train a team to help him in running them. He came up with the 5-step system which he claims has allowed his students to quit their jobs and collectively generate millions in sales.


The 5 steps are given as follows:


• Step 1: Instant online presence


This step requires you to create an online presence, for example by setting up an online store and have it running in no time.


• Step 2: Inventory arbitrage


According to Fred, buying inventory can be risky, but he claims that you can avoid this by selling millions of products without a penny in risk or any stock through his system.


• Step 3: Fast & targeted traffic


Fred promises to show you how to generate fast and targeted traffic in his audio book.


• Step 4: Profit multiplier


In the book, Fred also shares how you can ask your customers for more money while providing them with value without getting on their nerves.


• Step 5: Rinse and repeat


Once the system Fred has developed works for you, you can apply it to other business ventures you may have.


These steps are elaborated in detail in the book, which is supposedly on offer for a limited time, so you are urged to get the book as soon as possible.



starting from zero testimonial



There are testimonials supporting the product on the sales page as well. The first one is from an individual identified as Anik Singal, who goes on to describe Fred as an honest and brilliant entrepreneur. He also praises the product for being revolutionary and life-changing.


He additionally encourages you to purchase the upsells and attend the workshops set up by Fred. The next one is from Les Brown who refers to Fred as a guru who discovered how to make money on the internet and additionally formulated a tried and proven system to help other people start successful businesses. Another one, Grant Cardone, even goes as far as to call Fred an e-commerce specialist.


The next section on the sales page is a sneak peek of what you can expect from the book:


• The 5 step system developed by Fred that will supposedly allow you to turn a $100 bill into a profitable online business.

• How to break into the e-commerce market.

• How to create your online store with minimal risks and efforts.

• How to build your business using other people’s money.

• How to identify the most profitable niche of your business.

• How to build your online store without the need for technical skills

• How to process your customers’ credit cards regardless of your location.

• How to access millions of products to sell without developing or seeing it.

• How to reduce your upfront risk through inventory arbitrage.

• Gain access to Fred’s product search guide to find profitable products.

• Understanding how to properly price your products in order to gain profit

• How to get a bulletproof shipping table in order to generate more revenue.

• Get to know the 3 different strategies you can use to attract customers.

• The most appropriate social media platform to use in order to reach your customers.

• A full tutorial on how to set up Facebook ads.

• How to turn image and text into a professional video ad.

• Learn the 3*3 ad formula by Fred that will help you find products, customers, and ads in order to generate sales for your business.

• Understand your customers in order to unlock hidden profits.

• Using real-time data in order to make the right decisions in your business.

• Step-by-step advertising strategy you can use in order to get the highest ROI for any business.

• How to automate your business.

• Increasing sales by upwards of 300% effortlessly.

• Using email marketing to generate profit.

• Using instant investors to scale your business.

• Creating multiple sources of income through your business.

• How you can flip your business through the rinse and repeat format while still generating money.


There are some case studies provided as well:


– Case study 1:


Ryan Shin was left jobless after graduation, a situation that forced him to pursue entrepreneurship online. However, it was only after he started Fred’s 5-step system that he started seeing the desired results. According to him, the book is newbie-friendly since he was able to easily apply the skills taught despite not having in-depth knowledge. Ever since he established his business, Ryan has managed to bring on over $400,000 in sales.


– Case study 2:


Aaron Delezenski similarly pursued entrepreneurship, but it was only after Fred started mentoring him that he became successful. He similarly praises the 5-step system laid out in Fred’s book, crediting it for helping him achieve over $1 million in sales.


Below these case studies, there are disclaimers that warn you about the variation of results from one user to the other.


Once you opt to purchase the book, you will receive an audio book along with a digital copy. If you love the content and successfully launch your online business, you can choose to work with Fred in the future and pursue other business ventures with him.


In case you buy the product and the results from using it are underwhelming, you can demand a refund within 30 days of the initial purchase due to the money back guarantee. The sales page then concludes with even more testimonials from customers unanimously praising the product.




The video kicks off with Fred offering you the product which he claims to have developed for over 13 years. Apparently, the book will help you achieve similar results to that of his previous students, who have all successfully used it. You can have access to both the audio and digital versions for $1.99.


You will find tutorials in the book that you can instantly apply and start building your business from scratch. For less than $100, you can have a profitable business up and running. According to Fred, the book is available on Amazon for $19.99, but you can get it for a discount for a limited period of time.


You don’t need any tech knowledge or marketing skills in order to apply the systems provided. The foreword of the book was written by Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” Once you get the book, can use it to make a side income, a passive income, or a full time income.

how does starting from zero by fred lam work?






As previously mentioned, the book will cost you $1.99 to purchase. There are 8 chapters in the book:


Chapter 1: The 30,000-foot overview

Turning $100 into a profitable online business using the 5-step system.


Chapter 2: Your opportunity within the falling empire of retailers

Here, you will learn how online retailing giants such as Amazon work, as well as the importance and benefits of e-commerce.


Chapter 3: The digital goldmine opportunity

This chapter offers details on how you can select a profitable niche, secure a domain and create your brand presence.


Chapter 4: The wizard behind e-commerce

This chapter predominantly tackles Shopify. Learn how you can build a store, add a payment processing feature, and connect your store to receive payments as well.


Chapter 5: The inventory arbitrage

Gain access to a wide range of inventory in addition to learning how to sell branded goods, find products that sell and the pricing formula.


Chapter 6: “Build it and they will come” is false

Fred provides the 3 ways you can use to generate and drive traffic here.


Chapter 7: The magical alignment of your buyers

This chapter focuses on Facebook ads and how to use them to your advantage.


Chapter 8: Scaling up to multi-millions

The last chapter discusses scaling up business through emails in addition to how you can strengthen your brand, diversify the product lines and flip your store.


There are also upsells to the initial product:


• Upsell 1: 6 B.S Framework


Before you check out your copy of the book after purchase, you will encounter the first upsells which is called the Media Buying Training. This product reveals Fred’s Brilliant Strategic (B.S) frameworks you can use to generate a 6 figure business. This product will cost you $47.


• Upsell 2: eCompreneur


This upsell offers more details on how you can start an e-commerce business. You gain access to a 12week training program as well as tools such as Shopzie and This upsell will cost you $147, and then $49 monthly.


If you opt not to buy this upsell, you will be offered a downsell with a $1 trial for 7 days, and then $49 per month.


• Upsell 3: Influencer Masterclass


This upsell is a masterclass from Connor James who claims to be a 7 figure Instagram marketer and one of the students Fred has mentored. This upsell will cost you $197.

will starting from zero by fred lam make you money?




There is money to be made through affiliate marketing, and there are some useful tips in the book you may apply and potentially earn an income online. However, just as the disclaimer on the use of the product states, the results that are displayed on the web page and sales video are not typical or to be expected. In fact, according to the disclaimer, they are only meant for educational purposes. Furthermore, the results of the clients in the testimonials are not intended to represent a policy that you could also achieve the same or similar results.




Affiliate marketing is a legit way of making money online, and there are some useful tips provided in the book that you can apply and potentially make money in the future using this system. In case you don’t get the results you expected from using the product, there is the refund policy that allows you to get your money back within 30 days of the initial purchase. All you have to do is send an email to the customer support and you will get your refund within a week.


However, there are some downsides to the Starting from Zero system as well. The book may not be suited for beginners who have no idea on how to go about affiliate marketing or how online businesses generally work. If you fall into this category, it will take you a lot of time and hard work before you start generating the high levels of income you might expect.


Another issue I have is the upsells. Although you can opt not to buy them, you might feel the need to do so since they come with the promise of more information on how you can make more money. They are exorbitantly priced, yet you can source the information they provide elsewhere.


I also took issue with the way the product was presented. For example, a section of the book outlines how you can set up your website without going into depth on what exactly you need to do. This may be very hard to follow especially if you have no experience setting up a website. I would have preferred videos, or at the very least details on how you can go about certain aspects.






All in all, I have tried to be as unbiased and honest as I can, without letting my own preconceptions and opinions cloud my judgement. I hope this review will help you make an informed decision regarding Starting from Zero by Fred Lam.

To your success,


Mike A

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