Private Cash Sites Review – Outrageous Claims Or Legit Money Maker?


Private Cash Sites is a Clickbank product that promises to share with you secret methods that will earn you 3 to 5 figures every day. I sought to find out whether it is a legitimate product or just another scam, and I would like to share my findings with you. Here is my Private Cash Sites Review. Let’s get started!


Product Being Reviewed: Private Cash Sites




Private Cash Sites is a Clickbank product that promises to help you make a minimum of $400 a day in as little as 1 day after signing up, working for less than 1 hour daily. According to the website, you can make this much money without MLM, Blogging, Spamming or making videos. It says all you will need is their new “secret” affiliate marketing methods.


The website looks a lot like other similar sites that I have reviewed here before. It is a simple sales page with a header telling you how you could be making 3 to 5 figures daily with this product, a video underneath that and a big red button at the bottom under a sign-up form.


The video here is only a few minutes long. However, you will learn nothing about the product from it. All we find out about the product from this video is that it is something normal people with no experience are using to make money online. It hints at it being about affiliate marketing, and then basically goes round and round in circles showing you profit proofs, montages of people with lavish lifestyles, and telling you about how this product is going to change your life, before finally asking you to give them your email address before you can proceed to the next step.



private cash sites offerTrying to close this page or reloading it immediately redirects you to another page, with an instant 10-dollar discount. So instead of paying $47 for it, you will be paying $37. If you don’t bite and still try to close the page, you get the first pop up, asking you to give them your email address and they will send you the first chapter of the program for free. If you close that pop up you get another pop-up, offering you an even bigger discount.


From $47 the price just went down to just $17. It’s a Family and Friends discount, they say. Ignore that and you get yet another popup, this time with a special “Mega Discount”, which is offered to “only 1 in 300 people.” If you type your email address right now, you will access the product for the heavily discounted price of only $7! If you still won’t bite even then, you will be offered several “Hand Picked Programs”, such as the Newbie Starter Kit, the Work from Home Income Plan, the Coffee Shop Income Generator, and the First Chapter of Private Cash Sites, for free! All you have to do to get them is, you guessed it; fill in your name and your email address. At this point, it should be abundantly clear that they badly want your name and email address, whatever the cost may be.


And that should come as no surprise because right under the big red banner, in a barely visible font size and in an even harder to read color, is this disclaimer:


private cash sites disclaimer


“*by clicking the “Claim Your Spot” button you agree to receive emails from “private cash sites” You will receive emails with great offers and opportunities to make money from home. By clicking the button, you agree to us renting or selling the data you provided above. You will always be able to unsubscribe with one click of a button.”


Yep. Exactly. They intend to sell your information to third parties, and you and I both know that there is usually no unsubscribing from such email lists. You will keep receiving spam emails, no matter what you try to do to stop it. And that’s the first thing that really irked me about this product.


Well, I quickly plugged in a random email address under the video and voila! I was in. You will be immediately taken to the next video, which, according to the first video, is the one to tell you what the product is actually about and what it will do for you. But does it actually tell you that? Well, the only way to find out is to watch it, and so I did.




The video starts with Felicity, the spokesperson from the first video, congratulating you for making it that far. She says she can’t wait for you to see how easy it is to start making money with Private Cash Sites. She says you are going to find out exactly how to make money online in the next few minutes.


She then tells you to get rid of all distractions and focus on the video, because you are about to become a very successful affiliate marketer. By now, we know without a doubt that Private Cash Sites is about affiliate marketing. She says with the Private Cash Sites secrets she is going to share with you, you will soon be making thousands of dollars. At this point, you are shown profit proofs and income statements with thousands of dollars flowing into those accounts daily.


You are told that with profits like those, you won’t need your job anymore. A montage of people living lavish lifestyle follows, as Felicity’s voice-over explains how much your life can change with Private Cash Sites System.


private cash sites videoShe then explains what it is. According to the video, the Private Cash Sites System is a revolutionary proprietary method for making great, consistent money through affiliate marketing. When you get to the members page, you need to watch the training videos explaining what you need to do then follow the given step by step instructions which will guide you in setting up your new affiliate marketing business in just a matter of hours. And, you should see the first commission within the first day or two.


So basically, it is an affiliate marketing course that will guide you in setting up your affiliate marketing business and how to get started making money. However, there are several false claims made here, which can give a complete newbie the wrong idea about affiliate marketing. This is the second thing that irked me.


You see, affiliate marketing is a legitimate way of making money online. Many people are doing it, and it is actually quite possible to make the sort of income Private Cash Sites System talks about on a daily basis. Affiliate marketing is a business model that allows you to make money by promoting other people’s products. When a sale is made from your lead, you earn a commission. You do not even need any sort of experience to get started with it, and that is actually one of the beauties of affiliate marketing. That, and the fact that it lets you be your own boss, it is absolutely cheap to start, has zero inventory costs, and you can make practically as much money as you want. The more you sell the more money you make.




However, making money as an affiliate marketer is not as easy as Private Cash Sites would like you to believe. It takes hard work and persistence to get to a level where you are consistently making hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a daily basis. Private Cash Sites is blatantly lying when they say they have a “secret” system that could start making you three figures within a few hours. There is nothing secret about affiliate marketing. And there is definitely no system in existence that can deliver any consistent, or meaningful $$ in “a few hours”. In fact, Private Cash Sites is making guarantees that are impossible to match, and the only reason they are doing it so confidently is that they are counting on you not reading their disclaimer. If you read the disclaimer, you will see it all stated right there:


private cash sites disclaimer 1


private cash sites disclaimer 2


Private Cash sites disclaimer 3



private cash sites proof of incomeAnyway, the video goes on to make even more claims. It says that anyone could use the Private Cash Sites system to make “great money” right away. The speaker then says that it is a brand new, completely unique, proprietary affiliate marketing method that absolutely no one else knows about. It is your best bet at getting that steady stream of sales commissions.


As you continue watching the video, the speaker tells you about how with Private Cash Sites, you will be getting a simple step by step process to follow for only a few minutes a day and you will be well on your way to making massive affiliate commissions. By using this brand-new method, where all the grunt work has already been done for you and all you have to do is sit back and push a few buttons for a few minutes every day, you will finally discover the easiest way to make money on the internet.


Should you get stuck, Private Cash Sites has a team of highly trained customer support staff to help you out. This way, nothing will stand in the way of you making money on autopilot. You will finally have the money to live the kind of life you want.


She mentions that they have to limit the number of new members to just 10 new members a day, and they are only going to ask for a little cash to take care of hosting, developers and customer support. Which is why you need to join now before you miss out on your chance. And you do not have to worry, because it comes with full money back guarantee to minimize your risk.


She says the reason they are allowing you to test the Private Cash Sites System this way is that they want to make more money too. By helping you they are helping themselves. Which is a little weird, because if they make more money by getting people on board, wouldn’t they want to remove the 10-person limit and allow in as many people as they could get? If the 10-person limit exists, that is. I think her selfless motives are utter hogwash. This product is obviously trying to make as much money from as many people as possible.


The video goes on and on with more of the same stuff. Promises come in fast and heavy as she tries to sweet talk you into buying the product. Finally, you are asked to click the button below the video to get the product for $47. But we all know we can actually get it for much, much less, don’t we?


is private cash sites worth it


With this product, you get an affiliate marketing course that promises to help you make at least $400 on your first day. If you make a purchase expecting this, you will be disappointed. You will probably not make a single cent for weeks, and that is if you stick with it.


It is very possible to make money with affiliate marketing. But it takes time. You need to consistently work hard at your affiliate marketing business for an extended period of time before you can finally start reaping the sort of results that have been promised here.


Would I personally buy this product? No, I wouldn’t. If you are a complete beginner who knows absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing, and you have some $47 to throw away, then by all means go for it. It is an ok introductory course to the affiliate marketing business. However, be warned that affiliate marketing, just like anything on the internet, changes rapidly. It is more than likely that the contents of this product are already outdated.


private ash sites verdict


I would not recommend this product to anyone for many reasons. Besides the fact that you will simply be giving away your hard-earned cash, you will also likely not learn anything new from Profit Cash Sites. There are no secrets with affiliate marketing, and you will be very disappointed to find that you were simply baited into buying the product. This product is also misleading, making claims that are impossible to back up. It is products like these that give affiliate marketing a bad name.


As I mentioned earlier, affiliate marketing is a very legitimate business model. If you ask me, rather than buying this product, a great place to start on your affiliate marketing journey is from any one of the thousands of make money online websites and blogs. They will give you all the information contained in this course and more, all for free. In fact, I believe the creator of this product simply compiled their information from these sources.


If you are interested in learning Affiliate marketing the right way, then I believe that I can help you. I belong to an online affiliate marketing community that provides amazing training and free tools to all of its members. There are literally hundreds of hours of courses and lessons. They are laid out in an easy to follow, logical and incremental format. The tools, like a free website builder, are second to none.  It is the exact system I use every single day in my affiliate marketing business!




I hope you take advantage of this recommendation. I really do. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It is completely free (no credit card information needed).


Whatever you decide, I hope my Private Cash Sites review has proven helpful.


To your success,


Mike A

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