Part Time Jobs For Teachers At Home – 13 Strategies


Teaching full time is a rewarding profession, but just like any other job, it has its ups and downs. It is definitely not easy to wake up early on a daily basis and staying up late doing the next day’s classroom prep, yet the wages at the end of the month do not reflect the effort most teachers put into their work. Which is why many teachers are seeking part-time jobs that allow them to make some extra money on the side while doing what they love. Here are some of my favorite part time jobs for teachers at home.








Since you are already proficient in teaching, doing it online should be an easy transition. The only hurdle you might face in the beginning is getting used to the technicalities of the platform you choose, but as you progressively get better at it, even this won’t be such a major problem. Online teaching basically entails teaching students online, with available opportunities for a wide range of educators; from college professors to elementary school teachers. The most sought after qualification is experience in a classroom setting. Some of the jobs you can look into include:


– Online teaching jobs at college and university level


There are many available online jobs for teachers at institutions for higher learning across a variety of academic and vocational disciplines, and at both undergraduate and graduate level. Most online jobs at this level typically require a Ph.D. or a Master’s degree.


Where to start: HigherEdJobs, Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education.


– K-12 online teaching


Online teaching jobs are becoming increasingly popular across all subject areas and grade levels in elementary, middle, and high schools as more school districts continue to appreciate the need for online learning. Certified K-12 teachers as well as others with teaching experience at these levels can opt to offer remote services to students.


Where to start: Aim-4-A Tutoring, California Virtual Academies, EduWizards.


– Online tutoring jobs


Since you are already an expert at helping people at different learning levels, it won’t be hard to connect with students online. Whether you specialize in SAT prep or computer science, you can easily tutor students over platforms such as Skype or any other site of your preference that lets you replicate an in-person tutoring session. Other than helping students and earning good money while doing it, you are also sharpening your skills, which might help you get even more jobs in the future.


Where to start: TutorMe, Homework Tutoring, Aim-4-A Tutoring.


– Teach English online


Another popular option for a part-time job from the comfort of your home is teaching English. Since English is a language that is spoken worldwide, having an in-depth understanding of the language has become important, especially in non-English speaking countries. The demand for English language learning has especially seen a surge in popularity in Asia, with a huge number of adults seeking business English lessons so as to get further in their careers. This is because there is an increasing number of huge multinational companies recruiting job candidates who can speak and understand English.


Other than job-seeking adults, there is also a huge number of young students who are interested in learning English. Consequently, there is a growing market of online education platforms that focus on teaching Chinese children to speak and understand English. These platforms aim to connect these young learners to English-speaking ESL teachers from countries that speak English as a first language.


Where to start: Everything ESL, ESL Mania, Dave’s ESL Café.




Did you know that your teaching materials gained from years of experience in front of a classroom can actually make you money? All you need to do is be willing to share your knowledge and experience. This makes all the hard work to hone your craft all the more worth it. You could share your lesson plans, classroom setup, activities, quizzes and tests, and so much more.


This is a great way of making a passive online income once you have done the upfront work and adequately marketed your work.


Where to start: Teachers Pay Teachers, Etsy, Edutopia.




Another option for working from home part-time as a teacher is grading standardized tests. As a teacher, you already possess the skill of grading papers, and all you have to do is apply it online. The pay is quite good, and you get to choose the hours you want to work within a week, which allows you the flexibility you obviously need when you have a part-time job. All you need to get started is an online connection and a device for access.


Where to start: Pearson, Educational Testing Service (ETS)

freelancer part time job for teachers




Writing will probably come easily to you given the experience you have gained from your profession. You can put your writing skills and creative talent to use by creating online content. This is an option that allows you to work a full-time job and still manage to create content to supplement your income. As you perfect your skills, you can also get into teaching others how to do it and gradually build your own online business.


The best way to be successful quickly as a freelance writer or editor is to first find a niche. It is also important to network with people who might hire you, and when you do get a steady job, make sure that you deliver quality content consistently to maintain your credibility.


To get started, you can do some writing prompts which will help you discover your writing style and where you might need some improvement. To enhance your skills, you can also take writing and editing courses.


Where to start: Upwork, iWriter, Freelancer.




It is no secret that consultants often make more money than employees within the same field. Once you identify a skill that you can specialize in, you could potentially find people online who are willing to pay you for your consulting services. There is no limit to what you can do when it comes to consulting: you can build a business coaching other teachers and administrators, or you can simply counsel people in your field regarding their personal or business goals.


What’s more, you can set your own rates and work around your normal schedule. You might think you require a certain level of expertise in order to be a consultant, but you could be surprised at the type of expertise people will readily pay good money for.


Where to start: The Cornerstone for Teachers, Clarity.








Starting a blog is one of the most popular ways to make a passive income. To start out, you need to find a niche, and then consistently use your blog to create a lot of value for your visitors. As long as your blog is set up in the right way and you have the right content targeting the desired audience, you can potentially make a fortune.


Some areas you can consider specializing in as a teacher include book reviews, problem-solving, art, technology, hands-on activities, and any other areas you might be interested in. To make your blog more interesting to visitors, don’t forget to include videos and images.


Where to start: WordPress, Wix, Tumblr.


Here is an article that may be interesting to you:  What Is The Best Way To Make a Passive Income Online




Having spent a significant portion of your time in a classroom teaching your own material, you must have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t. You can put this knowledge to use by developing a curriculum that can be used by other teachers.


Fortunately, there are platforms available that can help you perfect your curriculum development skills by allowing you to access relevant instructional information and consequently add depth to how you plan your lessons. You can then monetize this knowledge by sharing it with your colleagues.


Where to start: TeacherTube, Thinkfinity, Edutopia

writing coach job for teachers




If freelance writing is not your cup of tea, you can still put your writing skills to use by working with students as well as corporate clients who intend to brush up on these skills. It won’t be too hard to find customers since there are many people lacking the writing skills required today in many fields. Working as a writing coach is not too different from being a tutor since you can use video conferencing and other similar technologies to effectively communicate with students. In addition to helping students and corporate clients brush upon their skills, you will be making good money too!


Where to start: Upwork, Freelancer, iWriter.




If you are passionate about working out and eating healthy, then online coaching might just be the part-time job for you. An online fitness coach basically provides clients with fitness and nutrition guidance, using detailed workout plans tailored to their specific goals.


Working as an online fitness coach may seem a little out of the box for you as a teacher at first, but they are not too different from each other, especially since both of them entail sharing knowledge with learners and coming up with plans that target the varying needs of your students.


You can conduct your online coaching via in-depth Skype sessions in combination with a specialized app that your clients use to access the special workouts you set out for them, as well as track their progress. Additionally, you can also include pre- and post-workout plans and useful tips on any health and fitness related lifestyle habits that a client can work on.


In order to succeed, you will have to find your niche and offer consistently good service in order to build your reputation. Promote your services through social media channels, and don’t hesitate to seek partnerships in order to broaden your audience.


Where to start: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook.



YouTube is a platform that virtually anyone with a creative idea and an audience can use to create videos and make money from them. There will always be students who are looking for educational YouTube tutorials and teaching videos to help them with their schoolwork, and you can take advantage of this by uploading videos and sharing your knowledge in a given field.


So you have content on YouTube, but you need to start generating income from the videos you make. What do you have to do? Well, there are several ways of making money from this platform, including:


– Using the YouTube Partner Program


The YouTube Partner Program is an advertising program by YouTube which you can use to monetize your videos. You have probably seen the ads on the videos people upload. YouTube places these ads there, and the revenue that is generated from them is shared between you and the program. Therefore, you will make money in two ways: depending on the number of times your videos are viewed, and the number of times the adverts get clicked on.


The only downside to this as a beginner is that you need to be getting thousands of views on your videos on a regular basis in order to become a YouTube partner. If are not on this level yet, don’t worry. There are other ways to make money on YouTube. Which brings us to the next point:


– Affiliate marketing


I’ll talk more about Affiliate Marketing in a short while, but for now I would like to simply touch on it a little as a way of making money off YouTube.


Let’s say your YouTube channel is all about product reviews. For example, if there is a book you like, you could create a couple of videos talking about its various aspects and perhaps how to use it as a learning tool. Within the uploaded video and below it in the description, you will then display affiliate links that interested viewers can click on and check out the book on the site where it is sold, for example, on Amazon. If they like what they see and make a purchase via your affiliate link, you earn a commission. That is affiliate marketing.


Remember, in order to get views on YouTube, you will need to upload creative and unique videos. Furthermore, you need to be consistent in the way you upload so that you maintain relevance and your audience doesn’t lose interest.


Where to start: YouTube.




Since you already have the necessary skill and experience that comes from dealing with students on a regular basis, why not set up your own online course that you can market online? All you have to do is find your niche and offer several different courses that people can easily follow.


There are various features you can add to your online course to improve it and attract more customers such as video lessons, informative interviews with other experts in your field, and audio files that your customers can listen to.


As long as you can upload course materials regularly, you can use your chosen platform to manage customers and accept payments.


Where to start: Teachable, Udemy









The publishing industry is steadily moving away from print, with eBooks becoming more accessible to readers. You can take advantage of this by writing, publishing, and marketing your own eBook to interested customers.


The startup costs for this venture are generally minimal as long as you have a computer, an internet connection, and word processing software. Additionally, there are websites that allow you to upload and take your book to print without having to involve a formal publisher.


Where to start: Create Space, Amazon Kindle.




As promised, let us now take a deep dive into the world of affiliate marketing.


Affiliate marketing is a business model that allows you to earn a commission by promoting other people’s products. As an affiliate marketer, you do not own any product of your own. You simply get people to go to the product creator and buy from them, and for your efforts, you earn a commission.


It is a great business model and ideal for teachers looking for a part-time job at home for many reasons. Here are a few of them:


– You get to be your own boss. As an affiliate marketer, you have the final word on what you want to promote, how much work you would like to get done every day, and when you want to work.

– There are no barriers to entry. Anyone can get into this business, no matter their level of internet business experience.

– It has almost zero risk. Since you are not buying any products, and you are not stocking up on any inventory, all the risk lies with the product owner. All you have to do is promote the product, and if you find that one product is not doing as well as you expected, simply move on to the next one, there is nothing tying you down!

– It promises you an unmatched level of freedom. As an affiliate, you will finally have the time to do the things you have always wanted to and to live life as you deserve to live it.

– It has an uncapped earning potential. You can make as much money as you want as an affiliate marketer. The more you sell, the more you earn.

– You can finally achieve that elusive dream of financial freedom as an affiliate marketer. Who knows, you may even be able to retire early from the classroom!


This is why I personally believe that affiliate marketing is hands down one of the best online business ventures out there. Once you get started, the sky is literally the limit!






As a teacher, you will have a huge advantage in the affiliate marketing world. You already know how to explain and help your audience- That is after all, what teachers do! This ability to break down information to your readers or viewers is one of the most important secrets to affiliate marketing success. It is what most people struggle with. You, on the other hand, have been trained to do just that! As a teacher you are already one step ahead of your competition

fina thoughts part time jobs for teachers




There are many ways you can make money with a part-time job as a teacher at home. The 13 strategies that I have covered here are just the tip of the iceberg. As long as you have the passion of guiding others, skill, and a break from your busy schedule, you may be able to generate a steady income online if you give yourself just a little bit of time to get a grasp of things.


Teachers are exceptional people! They are entrusted with the education of our future. As a teacher, you possess some very important and effective skills that you can use to make a substantial amount of money. Consider my recommendation! Your skill set is perfectly suited to generating potentially great income from home.






To your success,


Mike A

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