If you have ever tried your hand at an online business, then you might have noticed that the health and wellness or nutrition and supplementation niche are undoubtedly some of the most profitable. This is because everyone wants to be healthy, so the products that are sold in this niche are unsurprisingly very popular.
Due to the demand, there are a lot of companies selling their own unique versions of health and wellness products, which makes it harder than ever for the consumer to determine what to buy and what to avoid. To make it easier to move their products, many of these companies opt to rely on online marketers who sell the products for them as well as recruit other people to do the same. Here is a look at RegenaLife, one such company, to help you determine if it worth taking part in their business opportunity. So is Regenalife a scam?
RegenaLife is a multi-level marketing company that was established in 2008. It was founded by Justin Chernalis as Regeneration USA with its headquarters in New Jersey, USA. Sometime in 2016, the name was changed to RegenaLife.
According to the RegenaLife website, Chernalis has over three decades of experience in the food industry and currently serves as the company’s board advisor. The company CEO is Ernie Cadiz, who has over 27 years of experience in the Energy, Real estate, and Telecom sectors.
When RegenaLife was still known as Regeneration USA, the company’s main product was the Anti-Aging Whole Food Bar. Currently, RegenaLife has a wide variety of products in categories such as:
Cardiovascular Support
Products include:
- Tea cup-lime w/infuser – $28
- Jiaogulan capsules – $39.99
- Krill oil w/astaxanthin – $29.99
Products include:
- Z-tox whole body detoxifier – $59.99
- Chlorella growth factor – $44.99
- Liquid zeolite – 1oz – $34.99
Products include:
- Focus power – $55
- Vitality factor – $64.99
- The daily dose – organic super greens – $44.99
Products include:
- Daily essentials pack #3 – $105
- Maitake beta glucan extract – $44.99
- Humic and fulvic minerals (8oz liquid) – $39.99
- B17 power – $64.99
Joint Support
Products include:
- Turmeric-curcumin – $39.99
- Joint relief daily essentials – $78
- RegenaFlex joint support – $45
Products include:
- Skincare special – $105
- Regenaskin night time facial serum – $69.99
- Hair growth formula – $29.99
Products include:
- Cocoa bars (12 bars) – $43
- Whole body snacks (14oz) – $29.99
- Living raw chocolates (4-1oz) cups – $18
Products include:
- Regena-slim skinny body shake – $54.99
- Ultimate weight loss pack – $219
- Regena-slim appetite control – $24.99
RegenaLife is free to join, but to get the most out of the compensation plan, you will have to buy one of the fast start packages. They include:
- $99 past start package
This package pays you a $7.50 fast start bonus plus another $7.50 fast start bonus for the affiliate you sponsor, and an additional $10 when you sponsor other affiliates who buy this package.
- $109 fast start package
This package allows you to earn a $7.50 fast start bonus, another $7.50 fast start bonus for the affiliate that you sponsor, plus an additional $10 when you sponsor others who buy this package.
- $149 fast start package
For this package, you get to earn a $25 fast start bonus, another $25 fast start bonus for the affiliate you sponsor, plus an additional $10 when you sponsor others who purchase this package. This fast start package also makes you eligible to receive the fast start bonus when you sponsor affiliates who buy this package and the $99 and $109 packages.
- $549 fast start package
This package allows you to earn a $100 fast start bonus, another $100 fast start bonus for the affiliate you sponsor, plus an additional $30 when you sponsor others who buy this package. You also become eligible to receive the fast start bonus when you sponsor affiliates who buy this package as well as the $149, $109, and $99 packages.
The main focus of the RegenaLife compensation plan is affiliate recruitment, but it also includes commissions made through retail sales. Affiliates earn their commissions via a uni-level payment plan, plus they also receive bonuses based on their performance.
Affiliate Ranks
There are 12 ranks in total within the compensation plan:
- Active
This is the basic qualification rank where you have to make 50 PV (personal volume) per month or more.
- Builder
For this rank, you have to maintain your qualified status (by generating 50 PV or greater) and recruit a minimum of three qualified referrals.
- Manager
To attain this rank, you have to maintain your commission qualification as well as recruit and maintain a minimum of five qualified referrals.
- Bronze
You need to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, as well as have ten others across the seven levels.
- Silver
You have to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain a minimum of five qualified referrals, and also have twenty-five others across the seven team levels.
- Gold
You are required to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain a minimum of five qualified referrals, and also have fifty others across the uni-level distributor levels.
- Platinum
You have to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, and also have 125 others across the uni-level distributor levels.
- Emerald
You need to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, and also have 250 others across the uni-level distributor levels.
- Diamond
You have to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, as well as have 500 others across the uni-level distributor levels.
- Double diamond
You have to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, and also have 750 others across the uni-level distributor levels.
- Triple diamond
You have to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, and also have 1500 others across the uni-level distributor levels (within these levels, three uni-level legs should have an affiliate with a diamond rank or higher)
- Black diamond
You need to maintain your commission qualification, recruit and maintain at least five qualified referrals, and also have 2500 others across the uni-level distributor levels (three uni-level legs must have an affiliate with a diamond rank or higher)
Retail Commissions
As a RegenaLife affiliate, you receive a commission when you successfully complete retail sales of the products. A retail commission is a difference in pricing between the wholesale (as sold to affiliates) and retail costs of the products that are ordered by customers.
Commission Qualification
To earn a commission via the compensation plan you need to generate a minimum of 50 personal volume (PV) per month. PV is determined by either your product purchases or through retail sales.
Residual Commissions
Residual commissions are paid through a uni-level compensation structure, where the affiliate is situated at the top of a uni-level team, and everyone that you recruit is situated directly under you (level one). If the affiliates on your first level recruit other people, they will be placed on your second level, and this goes on until the seventh level. The commissions are paid out at specific percentages across seven levels.
- Recruits on your first level earn you a 20% commission.
- Recruits on the second and third level earn you 10%
- Those on the 4th and 5th level earn you 5%
- Those on the 6th level earn you 4%
- Those on level seven earn you 3%
Check Match Bonus
This bonus is defined by the percentage match that is paid to affiliates who belong to the top the first three layers of a uni-level team. To qualify for this bonus, you have to be commission qualified, recruit a minimum of five downline affiliates who have qualified for commissions, have two customers who have purchased an equivalent of 25 PV in a month, and have a downline generating a minimum of 1500 GV across the first level of your uni-level team.
Level 1 – 15% check match
- Level 2 – 10% check match
- Level 3 – 5% check match
Fast Start and Infinity Coded Bonus
All the products that are retailed by RegenaLife have a dollar amount which represents the fast start bonus value.
To be eligible to earn infinity coded and fast start bonuses, you have to earned a commission and have at a minimum of one customer purchasing the equivalent of 25 PV per month.
Affiliates get to earn 50% of the assigned infinity coded and fast start bonus value for the first two people that they recruit as well as for their monthly orders. You get to earn the full bonus amount from the third person you recruit onward.
Rank Achievement Bonus
When you qualify for the builder rank and higher, you receive a one time bonus for reaching each level broken down as follows:
- Builder Level – $75 Bonus
- Manager Level – $100 Bonus
- Bronze Level – $150 Bonus
- Silver Level – $250 Bonus
- Gold Level – $500 Bonus
- Platinum Level – $1000 Bonus
- Emerald Level – $2000 Bonus
- Diamond Level – $3000 Bonus
- Double diamond Level – $4000 Bonus
- Triple diamond Level – $6000 Bonus
- Black diamond Level – $8000 Bonus
RegenaLife has been around for over a decade
As previously mentioned, RegenaLife was founded in 2008, which means that it has over 10 years of experience selling health and wellness products. Many MLM companies tend to fold within the first few years of business for one reason or another. This gives it a bit of an edge over other similar businesses.
- You can join for free
There is no affiliate membership fee, so you can join and earn commissions for free. However, it is worth noting that the monthly active qualification is 50 PV or greater even for new members.
- The compensation plan is detailed
The compensation details all the requirements that you need to meet to rise in ranks, earn bonuses and commissions, and maintain activity as an affiliate.
- The main focus of the company is the recruitment of new members
Unless you have some people in mind willing to join this business opportunity as well as recruit others to do the same, this is not the most ideal way to make money. This is because you will need to be proficient at online marketing and also have a platform where you can reach out to people to recruit. The people in your downline also have to remain active to ensure you keep earning commissions.
- The health and wellness niche is saturated
Many companies are in the health and wellness niche, which automatically mean you should expect a lot of competition when it comes to selling the various products.
- Products from the company have not been evaluated by the FDA
As by the company’s admission, their products have not evaluated by the FDA, even though some of them are claimed to enhance the immune system response against various infections. The lack of credibility may make it hard for you to convince customers to buy RegenaLife products.
- Low success rates
There are a lot of requirements that you have to meet to maintain or improve your earnings, and even if you do, there still isn’t much money to be made due to the MLM structure that calls for mass recruitment.
From what I discovered, RegenaLife is not a scam, but it is highly unlikely that you will make considerable earnings with the company. This is mostly because it is structured in a way that allows only those at the highest ranks to make the most money, while everyone else works hard for mediocre earnings (if any at all). Because of this and other reasons, I wouldn’t recommend becoming part of this business opportunity.
The model of MLM is an old model that has had some success. But it is not necessarily the best way to build a side business. As I see it, the issue is two-fold. First, only the people that create the largest downlines make any significant money. Second, most people need to tap into friends and families to get started. This is annoying and can create a strain (or at least some very uncomfortable situations) because chances are your family is not interested in buying these often-expensive products.
There are other points of friction and barriers to success with this MLM model. Scams and high-profile court cases not withstanding!
So, what do I recommend? I believe that it is possible to make money online and to create a solid business that will provide you with the financial security and freedom that you are looking for. The model that I follow (as well as many other successful online business owners) is Affiliate Marketing.
This business model is simple yet effective. It requires no inventory, downlines, or sales to friends and family. How does it work? Put simply, you offer solutions to people that have a problem. If they chose your recommendation, you get a commission! It is that simple.
Having said that, I don’t want you to think that Affiliate Marketing is “easy”. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires work and expertise. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a coder to succeed. If you can use a PC for normal day to day use, you have the basic skills you need.
I hope you take me up on my recommendation and take a look. What you will find could change the course of your financial future!
To your success,
Mike Aha