How Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? My Honest Review!

Before I jump in and answer your question of how does wealthy affiliate really work? allow me to step back for a few minutes.


The journey to making a decent living online is never easy for anyone. It is filled with obstacles and disappointments, and sometimes it feels like there is a scam or two waiting to get you around every corner. I should know, I have been in this exact situation. I was stuck in a rut for far too long, desperately trying to make money online with every method I could find. Half the time, I didn’t make a single cent from my ventures, and the other half was spent losing money I didn’t have.


This vicious cycle went on for way too long. Until I discovered Wealthy Affiliate. Then everything changed.


Let me start at the beginning.


If you have been reading my site for a while, you must know my full story by now. You can check out my about page for the long version of it, but here is the short version:


I started this journey several years ago because I was looking for a way to guarantee myself some financial security. I was constantly worried about the fact that I was relying entirely on my 9 to 5, and there wasn’t much in the way of security with that. The fear of what would happen to my family if I somehow lost my job kept me up most nights. I figured the only way to get rid of that worry was to do something about it, and so I did. I took the first step towards creating a supplemental source of income one Saturday evening in 2006.


I would love to tell you that I immediately struck gold and never looked back. Well, I didn’t. Unfortunately, I got ripped off. A LOT. Back in the day, things were not as black and white as they are now, and making money online was this novel thing that very few people actually knew anything about. So whenever I read somewhere that I could make a few hundred dollars every day doing this one thing, I immediately jumped on that. And instead of making money, I only ended up losing it.


Admittedly, I was a bit of a slow learner. It took quite a while before I could confidently identify scams the moment I saw them, and by then I was tired of it all. I was tired of losing money time after time, so I just up and left. The only silver lining from this period is that it helped me narrow down to affiliate marketing as a method of making money online with the highest potential for success. I did make a few hundred dollars from my affiliate marketing sites. However, I didn’t even care anymore. I just quit it all, abandoning everything, including my affiliate marketing sites.


It wasn’t long before I began to feel the fear of the unknown creeping back into my life. You could say that my second shot at affiliate marketing was involuntary. I just couldn’t go back to being constantly afraid of what was to come. And the second time was a charm for me. That’s when I discovered Wealthy Affiliate. And the rest, as they say, is history.




full disclosure




Before I go on with this review, in the pursuit of honesty, I need to disclose a number of things.


First of all, I am an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate. This means that I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to my audience through my site, and when they sign up and become paid members, I earn a commission.


Secondly, I recommend this product for one reason and one reason only: it has worked in a huge way for me. I tried it out, got amazing results, and proved to myself that hey, this thing actually works! And that is why I recommend it to my audience. The number one rule in affiliate marketing is to only recommend the products that you truly believe in. I have worked too hard on this site to jeopardize it all by recommending something that may backfire on me. Which is why whenever I come out and tell my readers to buy something, it absolutely has to be something worth buying.


So, like I said, when you click on one of my links and if sign up for the paid membership on Wealthy Affiliate, I’ll earn a commission (at no absolute cost to you!). However, it is also beneficial for you because I’ll get a notification when you use my link, and I’ll be able to reach out to you on the inside. I’ll then be able to walk with you one-on-one, helping you out with anything you may need along the way. I do this as a way of thanking you for your support.


If you choose not to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, or if you do not want to use my link for whatever reason, that’s perfectly ok too! All I can hope is that this review will provide you with some value. I just want to provide my readers with all the information they need to make their own decision, whatever that may be.


So now that you know my reasons for doing this, let’s get right down to the review. I will try to be as detailed as possible to make sure that by the end of this review, you will have a good understanding of what Wealthy Affiliate is, what it does, and how to make money off it. I’ll tell you all about the good and the bad, and let you make your own choices about whether or not this is something you would like to buy into.


Here is how I am going to structure this review:


● My Full Disclosure

● Overview: What Is Wealthy Affiliate

● Starter Membership

● Premium Membership

● What I Don’t Like About Wealthy Affiliate

● Who Is Wealthy Affiliate Not Meant for?

● What I Like About Wealthy Affiliate

● My Final Thoughts




Wealthy Affiliate is more than just a product. It is an online community that has been in existence for over 15 years now. In that time, it has amassed over 1 million active members. With Wealthy Affiliate, you get tools, training, and all the support you would need to build an affiliate marketing business.


From my experience, it is geared towards new and intermediate affiliate marketers. It has become such a success because it is one of the best platforms out there to help these beginners get a head start in this business.


4 steps to affiliate marketing


Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to make money online using a four step process:


1. Choose an interest- This basically entails picking your niche. You will be shown how to pick niches that sell.

2. Build a site- With the tools Wealthy Affiliate provides, you will be able to build your own site in 4 simple steps.

3. Attract Visitors- Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools you need to create SEO optimized articles to attract more readers.

4. Earn Revenue- How to make money with affiliate marketing.


Put simply, the idea behind their model is to help you build an authority site that will help you gain trust from your readers and the search engines. You will then have to provide relevant, original and helpful content before monetizing your business with affiliate marketing.


The Site


The Wealthy Affiliate website is broken down into several different sections, which are all accessible from the main page. There is a menu on the left that the user can use to get quick access to the various tools and training. Each menu option narrows down to several other more specific options. For example, when you click on the Training option, you get several other options under that, such as Online Entrepreneur Certification, Affiliate Bootcamp, My Training Activity, and Training HQ.


wa training menu and topics

I will be diving deeper into the nitty-gritty of every menu option and section later in this review. But first, let us look at the levels of access you get with Wealthy Affiliate and what each option entails.


Wealthy Affiliate has two levels of access:


1. The Starter Membership


This is a free membership option. If you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate today, this is the membership option you will get by default. It is sort of a teaser membership, but still comes packed full of useful features and resources.

The idea here is that once you see how thorough and effective the free training and tools are, you will be more inclined to upgrade to the paid membership option. According to the site’s statistics, about 1 in 8 people upgrade to premium very quickly, which is a very impressive rate.


2. The Premium Membership


This is a paid membership option. With this option, you gain access to everything the platform has to offer. All the research tools, web building tools, support tools, live training, site support, and expert advice will be availed to you. I will be talking about this option a lot more further down the review.


If you are on the Starter Membership option, your dashboard will reflect it. Your access to some menu items will be limited, and you will not be able to access the full suite of tools and training. All inaccessible parts will be greyed out and marked as “Premium Only”.


However, what’s so great about this platform is that even if you choose not to upgrade, you will not suffer any repercussions. The free option is truly free. You will never be asked for your credit card information and billed automatically without your consent. Plus, the material that is offered to starter members is already powerful enough by itself to add value to your business, so you really have nothing to lose.


If you choose to get the paid membership option, you will have to decide whether you want to get billed monthly or yearly. You pay more upfront for the yearly option, but it represents way more savings. So in the long run, the yearly option is cheaper, but you have to be 100% committed to it to make it worth your while. No point getting the yearly option only to stop using the platform after one or two months.


The Memberships


I now want to take a closer look at each of the membership options. Here is what you get with each plan:








As I mentioned before, the starter membership is absolutely free. No credit card is required with this option. Let’s take a look at what you get for free. I am going to go step by step down the menu and discuss what access a starter member will have for each section:




wealthy affiliate dashboard


The dashboard is where you’ll get to see blogs from other members. You’ll also get to access your profile page from here as well as the search bar and all the navigation links. Starter members have full view of their dashboard.


From the dashboard, you will also be able to access the available training and tools like the keyword research tool and the website building tool.


The dashboard is basically the main interface of the site. Some functionality will be greyed out, for example, you will not be able to access all of the training and tools as a starter member. However, you will still have the ability to get to just about everything. The only difference is that as a free user, you will not be able to use the tools and services meant for premium members.




Starter members have limited access to two separate training courses: the Online Entrepreneur Certification program and the Affiliate Bootcamp Training. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.


Wealthy affiliate OEC training


1. The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) – This is the “Getting Started” course. It is basically the blueprint of affiliate marketing. The entire course is broken down into 5 modules of 10 classes each. Starter members get access to the first 10 classes in the first module. By the end of this course, you will have a website up and running and ready to go.


For each class, there is a written component by Kyle, one of the founders. In these, he breaks down different concepts and explains how to implement them. There are also additional step by step videos to help guide you in the learning process.


Here are the 10 topics that will be covered in the first free OEC module:


– Getting Rolling

– Understanding How to Make Money Online

– Choosing A Niche

– Building Your Own Niche Site

– Setting Up Your Website

– Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines

– Creating Your Initial Website Content

– Creating Custom Menus for Your Website

– Understanding Keywords

– Congrats and Next Steps


The free membership is therefore geared towards giving you all the tools you need to make the first steps towards each of the first steps outlined in the modules of the OEC.



2. Affiliate Bootcamp – This is the “Getting Your Business Rolling” course. Free members get access to the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program, where they get to market wealthy affiliate and earn a commission from it.


Therefore, OEC is a comprehensive general blueprint for affiliate marketing, while the Affiliate Bootcamp is specifically geared towards promoting Wealthy Affiliate.


The Affiliate Bootcamp course is broken down into 7 modules of 10 classes each. The structure of each class is quite similar to that of OEC classes. There is a written component of the concepts as well, with detailed descriptions of how to use them. There is also at least one video with step by step instructions for each module.


Here are the topics covered in this course:


– Getting Started

– Choosing Your Direction

– Building Your Website

– A Website Look Around

– Activating Your Plugins

– Getting Your Website Ready for SEO

– Your Initial Framework of Content

– Understanding The Keyword Research Process

– Creating Thoughtful, Insightful Reviews

– The Exciting Journey Has Begun


As you can see, there is a lot of training available for free. You can choose to take one or both of these courses, and the best part is that they do not have an expiry date. This means your ability to access these classes never expires, so you can take your time with them and do them whenever you want.


Additionally, Wealthy Affiliate is a strong proponent of the “learn while you earn” model. Before you move on to the next class, you will have to complete a set of tasks. If you follow all the instructions and complete all the assigned tasks, you will soon have a fully functioning website and be well on your way to making money online.


3. Classrooms – Under the training section, you will also find the Classrooms option. This is a collection of videos and courses that are centered around specific topics. For example, there are classes on social engagement, content writing, WordPress, and a number of affiliate marketing subjects. Starter members have access to 2 of these classrooms. The image below is not what a starter member will see



wealthy affiliate website tools



The next tab we are going to look at is the websites tab (see image above). This is where you get access to the Wealthy Affiliate suite of website building and website hosting tools. Starter members will have access to the following tools:


1. Site Manager – When you build your website through Wealthy Affiliate, this is where you will access it from. As a starter member, you will be able to build 2 sites on the platform for free. You will also be able to host them for free.


site manager screenshot


The site manager allows you to take a quick look at all your sites and all the important statistics in one convenient place. Through it, you will be able to log in to your site, view your site health, and take a look at the site security settings by clicking on the SitePlus link.


2. Site Builder – The site builder is what allows you to create your free websites. As I have already mentioned, starter members can build up to 2 free websites.


wealthy affiliate site builder


When it comes to building a website, Wealthy Affiliate gives you three options: a free domain, a domain you own, or the ability to register a new domain. As a starter member, you can only select the free domain option. You will also have access to 12 free themes that you can use with your site.


The Site Builder is pretty intuitive, with a step by step format where you need to fill in a number of fields. The tool then takes your information and automatically builds you an SEO ready website. The best part is that all the information you need to provide will have already been explained to you in depth in the training classes. And what’s even more amazing is that once you fill in all the fields, your site can be ready in as little as 30 seconds. Here is a video showing you the process:


build a site in 30 seconds


3. Site Domains – This is where you can look for and purchase the relevant domain name for your niche. The beauty of this tool is that once you put in your basic idea of a niche domain name, it goes the extra mile and finds other relevant variations of your keyword and suggests them to you.


site domains screenshot


So, for example, if your keyword is something like “paleo recipes”, you will only have to put this in the search box and the Site Domains tool will find other related names that are available for purchase. So for “paleo recipes”, you will get suggestions like,, and so on.


As the cherry on top, you can easily buy your domains directly from Wealthy Affiliate. This is extremely convenient because this way, you do not need to think about the intricacies of transferring domains or messing around with domain settings. Once you purchase a domain name, you can rest easy because Wealthy Affiliate will do everything to make your transition as smooth as possible. Plus, you also get free Malware and Virus protection for your peace of mind.


4. Site Content – This is the tool that will allow you to create content for your websites. It contains existing templates that will help you figure out how to create a few of the standard affiliate marketing pages such as the “Privacy Policy” page and the “About” page. There is also an excellent template for writing keyword rich content.


Site Content also helps you break down your posts into sections with headers, and further into smaller chunks, which ensures that the content flows well; something that is essential to online readership. If you follow the templates, all your content will be high quality and extensive, at a minimum of 1000 words each.


The content writing tool also comes with an excellent grammar tool, sentence structure tool, and spell checker tool. This eases the content writing process in a massive way, ensuring that everything you write is actually well written. This can prove very useful especially for people whose main language is not English, or those who are not confident of their English writing skills.


wealthy affiliate site content tool


Finally, Site Content allows you to set writing goals, and also to see how your writing compares to other people on the platform. This is an excellent way to keep you accountable and on track.




The next available menu item is the Research link. Let’s talk about it.


When you click the research link, it takes you to a service called Jaxxy. Jaxxy is a complete research suite. As a starter member, you will have access to the keyword research portion of the tool. Here you will be able to conduct keyword research on specific search terms. You will also be able to access competition data and domain data.


Wealthy affiliate Jaxxy KW tool


As a starter member, you can conduct up to 30 keyword searches and 30 keyword scans. Keyword searches are the cornerstone of affiliate marketing, so even with your starter membership, Wealthy Affiliate will give you the chance to investigate keywords and decide which ones you would like to use for your free sites.


Live Chat:


This is the last section available to starter members.


In the Live Chat section, you can interact with fellow community members. Here you can ask any relevant questions and get help with any issues that you may have in your business. For example, a lot of people ask questions and seek solutions for problems they encounter while building out their sites. You can also ask questions relating to the concepts taught in the training section. You will notice that there are always senior members in the Live Chat area who are experts in a variety of subjects, and they are always ready to answer any questions that you may have.


live chat screenshot


Personally, I have never had to wait more than a minute to get responses to my questions. As a starter member, you will receive access to live help for 7 days. Additionally, you will also be able to get help for any questions you might have directly from the classes you take for up to 7 days. Each class has a very active comment section right below it where questions and answers are shared.


The best part is that even after your 7-day period has expired, you can still get answers to most of your questions. You just need to know where to look. Wealthy Affiliate is a very active community. Almost every question you might have has already been asked and answered at least once before.


To get your answers after your 7 days are done, all you have to do is use the search bar at the top of the site. Type in your question or a few keywords in the question you have, and the website will bring up several similar suggestions for you to look at.


For example, let’s say you are having a hard time figuring out submit a sitemap to the search engines. Simply type a query “submit sitemap” or “WordPress embed video” in the search bar and you will get several options for answers. The best part is that very few of these answers are reserved for Premium users, so you can browse through as much as you want until you find a solution that works for you.


wealthy affiliate search function


I know the 7-day limit sucks a bit. However, as you can see, you can still find a lot of use for the platform even after the “trial” period is over. Or better yet, simply upgrade to the premium plan!


Speaking of which, let’s now take a look at the Premium plan and what you get with it.








Everything I have outlined above is absolutely free, and that is A LOT of value. However, the Premium Membership is where all the fun really is.


The Premium membership grants you access to the whole suite of Wealthy Affiliate tools and services. There are a lot of tools and services available, and you will enjoy exploring and discovering new ones every day as you use the platform. For the purposes of this article, I am only going to focus on the tools and services that I believe are the most important for someone who is just starting out or an intermediate affiliate marketer. Here they are, starting from the top menu item and moving on down.




This is the first menu item that you will see.


wealthy affiliate premium training


In addition to the free modules that I have already discussed earlier, Premium Users have access to 40 more classes for a total of 50 classes in the Online Entrepreneur Certification course. Additionally, there are 60 more classes in the Affiliate Bootcamp course, for a total of 70 classes.


So what does this mean? Well, for one thing, this training is ridiculously comprehensive. Every topic that is relevant to affiliate marketing is covered in detail. You could come in as a complete newbie who has never heard anything about affiliate marketing and walk out at almost pro level.


The classes are broken down into text lessons and combined with in depth step by step videos. There are also a number of tasks that need to be completed before you can move on to the next section, which further reinforces your learning.


If you follow this training and complete all the tasks, you will have a viable online business in no time. The best part is that the training is updated regularly, so any changes in technology, search engine algorithms, and techniques that work have all been accounted for.


wealthy affiliate classrooms


In the training section, you will see a number of classrooms. These classrooms deal with an infinite number of affiliate marketing topics. Remember how starter members could only access two of these classes? Well, as a Premium member, you can access all of them!




As a starter member, you could only access the Site Manager, the Site Builder, the Site Domains, and the Site Content sections under this category. Your access was also a little limited when it came to the specific features you could take advantage of. As a premium member, you not only have unlimited access to these 4 sections, but you also have access to 3 additional ones. They are:


Wealthy Affiliate Premium website tools


1. Site Comments – Every affiliate marketer understands just how important comments are in their sites. Comments boost your sites engagement rates, and they also add some much-needed SEO juice to it because search engine crawlers also crawl the comment section for keywords. Therefore, in order to increase your engagement and relevance in the eyes of your readers and search engines, Wealthy Affiliate allows its members to request for comments to be left on their blogs and sites by fellow members. And when someone comments on your post, it is only courteous to return the favor.


2. Site Feedback – This is another great premium feature. Here you will get to ask the members, many of whom are super affiliates, to critique your content, layout, or even the design of your blog, or perhaps a specific post. The beauty of this lies in the way it is done: the system Wealthy Affiliate has put in place is more of a “pay-it-forward” system. You have to leave feedback on at least 2 sites in order to ask for feedback on your own. This innovative system kills two birds with one stone: selfish members are locked out, and engagement is kept high.


3. Site Support – Site Support is a 24/7 outfit of super responsive professionals. The Wealthy Affiliate support staff will amaze you in more ways than one. They are clearly dedicated to helping you solve any issues you might encounter with the platform or any of your sites. Keep in mind that these are not some low wage tier 1 techies. These are all server admins who will take care of your issues themselves without having to refer you to anyone else.


Want to hear the best part? Here is what I love most about being a premium member:


Premium members have the ability to host up to FIFTY WEBSITES! This is just ridiculous. Starter members could only host 2 sites. And while they only had 12 themes to choose from, premium members have 3000 premium themes at their disposal!


And it only gets better. Premium members also have access to over 1,000,000 high quality images that are completely free to use. Stock image sites charge anywhere from $5 to $10 per image, so in the long run, Wealthy Affiliate will save you a lot of money. Without forgetting all the time that you would have otherwise had to spend scouring the web for the right free image.


Live Events:


This section gives members access to weekly live training. Usually, every Friday afternoon, an expert Wealthy Affiliate super affiliate (his name is Jay! ) will present a live webinar on a relevant topic. If you miss a webinar, you can find videos of previous classes to view at your pleasure. There is also a calendar of scheduled topics that you can look at and anticipate upcoming webinars so you can plan for them.


wealthy affiliate live events




Remember how starter members only had limited access to the keyword tool and the site rank tool? Well, as a premium member, you not only have unlimited access to these, but you also get a huge array of additional tools. With these tools, you will be able to look at who your competition is and how their sites are performing. You will also be able to locate relevant and lucrative affiliate programs. Plus, you can also continuously improve on your niche keywords by adding to your keyword lists.


Jaxxy services available to Wealthy affiliate premium members


Keywords are the heart of affiliate marketing. With this comprehensive set of tools, you will be able to have a huge leg up on your competition.


Live Chat:


If you have a burning question to which you need an answer right away, simply post it in the Live Chat section. The Live Chat is a scrolling blog where members interact with each other live. There are also a couple of senior members who are always available to answer questions.


I know I have already mentioned this, but allow me to repeat it because it is something that I find really impressive. I have never had to wait for more than 1 minute to get an answer to my questions in the Live Chat section. I have found it to be extremely useful when I’m working and I hit a certain obstacle. Instead of firing up Google and wading through millions of vague solutions, I simply ask people who actually know what they are talking about because they have been in similar situations before.


The best part is that everyone in the Live Chat section is always so genuine and nice and ready to help, so you’ll feel right at home no matter your experience level.


Help Center:


wealthy affiliate live chat


If you are looking for help with anything, this is where all your options are. From the Help Center, you will be able to access the Site Support, Live Chat, Private Message, or even your blog. It just makes everything so convenient when it is all located in one place.






To be honest, I think this is a great platform. There really isn’t much not to like. But if I have to nit-pick, here are some of the things that I think they still have to work on a little bit:


1. Needs a better Search Function

A lot of content and blogs are posted on Wealthy Affiliate on a daily basis. It can be a little hard to keep track of everything. I guess this is why even though the search functionality works as it is, it could be better. It is definitely not as streamlined as Google’s search box. Sometimes, you may find yourself struggling to come up with the exact perfect terms to use for the search function to bring up the results you are looking for, which can get annoying pretty fast. I’ll wager that this is why most frustrated users opt to go straight to the Live Chat section to ask their questions there. At least there you will get a straight answer.


2. Hard to Focus

I do not think this is Wealthy Affiliate’s fault, and I have no idea what the solution to this could be. I guess it just comes with having that many active users. So much content is coming in at the same time, it is really easy to get distracted.


Although Wealthy Affiliate has done a great job in providing the users with the tools they need and the training to make them better, it is very easy to get sidetracked as you use the platform.


You might go in with the aim of doing one specific thing that will build your business, but one or two hours later you will be busy looking at the blogs and questions updating and trying to absorb everything you can from them.


3. Lack of a Forum

I am a huge fan of forums. I think they make things a lot more organized. As it is today, Wealthy Affiliate has no forums. Forums are important if you want to ease the use of a platform, because they help group certain topics together so that they can easily be found, and people who want to talk about or read about that one subject can all go to one place to access all that information.


This isn’t the case with Wealthy Affiliate. Today, if you go to the Live Chat section, you will see that it is the one place where everyone posts. So if you post your question, it will get buried under newer comments within a minute or two. Sure, your question will still get answered, but it just sucks to have to scroll through several comments just to follow a conversation you are having, you know?


Well, these are some of the things that annoy me about Wealthy Affiliate. I know they are very minor issues. I told you I would nit-pick. Anyway, I’d now like to share with you what I do like about this platform. However, before I do that, let’s first take a quick look at who this platform ISN’T for.

who is wealthy affiliate meant for




From what I have seen so far, three types of people should stay far away from Wealthy Affiliate:


1. People looking for get-rich-quick schemes


Wealthy Affiliate is a program that teaches you how to build authority sites. This is not something that happens overnight. I can tell you for a fact that if you start doing this right now, you will probably not see a penny for about 3 to 6 months (maybe longer). Affiliate marketing is a proven model, but it takes time to work. It also needs someone who is willing to work hard and be patient. Besides, the simple act of following the classes and completing the tasks takes time, so if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this is not it.


2. People who are financially strapped


If you want to get the most value out of Wealthy Affiliate, you need to pay for it. It costs $49 a month (cheaper if you buy yearly or on black Friday). If you feel like paying this sum would stress you financially, I would advise you to go with the free plan and save up until you are ready to go to the next stage.


3. People who can’t stand writing


Or to read for that matter. The nature of this business is that it runs on content. If you are going to do this, you will have to write A LOT of content for your sites. You can always pay someone to do it for you, but that costs money and you still have to read through what they write and tailor it to your blog. If you cannot write, if you hate reading, or if you cannot write and cannot afford to hire someone to do it for you, then this business is not a good fit for you.




There are several reasons why I think Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform.


First, it has everything you will ever need to become a successful affiliate marketer, and it is all located in one convenient place. From keyword research tools to web building tools, you will find everything you need right there.


Second, it has a wonderful, welcoming, and very helpful community. Everyone looks out for each other and wants nothing but the best for each other. There are so many super affiliates that are active participants too, which means you can get your questions answered by pros! In fact, it is not unusual to get questions answered by Kyle, who is one of the founders.


Third, it offers real value for money. If you are wondering whether everything you get is truly worth the $49 monthly fee, consider this:


– How much would it cost you to buy over 120 hours of constantly updated step by step classes, and hundreds of hours of recorded and ongoing live training? Answer: probably thousands of dollars upfront.

– How much would it cost you to host 50 websites and access over 3000 themes? Keep in mind that features like site speed, site protection, site health and free website encryption (Free SSL) are all included. Plus, your sites will be hosted on some of the most powerful servers in the industry. So how much would that be? Answer: around $200 a month.

– How much would it cost you to take care of your keyword research needs? The Jaxxy keyword platform is a powerful suite of tools that covers just about everything you will ever need when it comes to keyword research. How much do similar services cost? Answer: $19+ a month.

– How much would it cost you to get a unique image for every post you make? Wealthy Affiliate has a database of over 1 million images, which saves you both time and money. Do you know how much it costs to get a single unique stock photo online? Answer: $5 to $10 EACH.


So if you have, say, two sites posting regularly around twice a week, with Wealthy Affiliate it will only cost you $49 a month. If you go anywhere else, you are looking at a minimum of $250 a month, and that is if you are not taking any online courses!


This is why I truly believe that $49 a month is amazing value. And guess what? There are no upsells in Wealthy Affiliate! Everyone who is not a starter member is a premium member, and everyone pays a flat rate of $49 a month for everything!




Alright, so this review has gotten a little longer than I anticipated. I believe I have covered all the basics, and I have outlined all the most important tools and resources. Just keep in mind that there are many more resources on the platform, you just have to be there to experience it firsthand. I just don’t want to bore you with a long, wordy article when you already get the point.


When I started this review, I let you know that I am a member of the Wealthy Affiliate program. I know I am clearly a bit biased, but I’m ok with that because Wealthy Affiliate truly did change my affiliate marketing education and subsequent success for the better. And this is why I firmly believe that it will help you too!


In the end, I hope I have explained what this program is and what it does well enough to help you make an educated decision on whether or not to get it. Ultimately, you really have nothing to lose. Simply try the free starter membership and find out for yourself. Go through the training. Take the lessons and build your first site. Take your time with it because there is no time limit on this. You are under no obligation to upgrade to premium.


If you find value in the site like I did, the decision will be a no brainer. If not, then you can go about your life like before and nothing will have changed. Actually, something will have changed: you will no longer be a beginner affiliate marketer after having gained 20 lessons worth of affiliate marketing education. All for free!


Also, consider checking out the 100% legitimate testimonials. Just see for yourself how many people have found success with it. There are so many success stories shared by real people like you and me. And you know what’s funny? Most of these success stories are NOT by people who are promoting Wealthy Affiliate like I am. They are all promoting a wide range of products and services, because Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to be an all-round affiliate marketer, not their affiliate marketer. Which means this fantastic program gives you the tools you need to literally do anything you want!


Well, whatever you decide, I really hope you have found this review helpful. I have tried my best to be as detailed as possible, but if you feel I missed something, please let me know! Also, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below and I’ll get back to you. I’ll also be updating this post regularly, so be sure to come back soon and check for updates. Other than that, I wish you all the best on your journey!




To Your Success,


Mike Aha

10 thoughts on “How Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? My Honest Review!”

  1. This was an excellent overview on how WA works. I have personal experience using the platform and I do recommend it to newbies looking to build an actual online business, but the one thing that really makes or breaks a person’s business is action. They have to take action regularly if they want to succeed with an online business, and WA gives people pretty much everything they need to become successful. That’s my personal opinion.

    • Nate,

      You hit the nail on the head!   Affiliate is an amazing platform.  I am not ashamed to say it is among the best affiliate marketing training platform/community.  It has been this way for the last 15 years.  The issue is that no matter how good the training, no matter how much effective knowledge one amasses, the only thing that matters is taking action on that knowledge.

      The person that buckles down and puts forth massive action, posting content on a regular basis and learning new skills will eventually make it online.  That person is the one that will reap the benefits of affiliate marketing and the opportunities it generates for normal, regular, everyday folks.

      For those that are ready to put in the hard work, Click Here Now to check out Wealthy Affiliate and learn affiliate marketing the right way!

  2. Hello Mike,

    ok, this is cool.
    Wealthy affiliate marketing is a good way to earn money online that I have come to know it before. Your article has added some new era to start my journey. But as you said this is never easy to be successful. I totally agree with you. But as it legit with the existence for over 15 years now. In that time, it has amassed over 1 million active members. So though it will be hard I can try as my level best. Thanks for the article and for making me more passionate about this.

    • Hi Khobayer,

      I am glad you found my wealthy affiliate review helpful.  As you mention, it has been around for around 15 years and has appealed too over 1 million subscribers.  No shoddy program and no amount of slick and slimy marketing can deliver these amazing results.  The only way to deliver such high level of success is to give customers the best affiliate marketing training available on the net.

      I may be biased, but it is the program I use and it has literally changed my life.  I hope you give it a free try and start taking charge of your financial future.  Click Here Now

  3. Thank you for your honest review about wealthy affiliate. It’s nice to read your story behind joining the wealthy affiliate. This is also my reason to join wealthy affiliate to earn passive income online. I became a premium member here last month. From my country, I can’t be a free member.  This is one of the most detailed articles I have ever read about wealthy affiliate where you pointed out explained each step very precisely. Thank you again for the review and covering all the topics in the article. 

    • Thank you for the kind words Fahim.  Wealthy Affiliate is hands down one of the best affiliate marketing resources available today.  Becoming a premium member gives you even more access to the excellent resources that are available to free members. My advice is to make the best of it, learn and apply what you learn.  Take action now!

      To your success,

      Mike Aha

  4. Hi Mike, I really am looking to escape my job that seems to be going nowhere. I have been trying to find out more about the Wealthy Affiliate program and I am glad to get a summary from you complete with diagrams and explanations. My question is about the niche. Is it possible to change what you are offering (within the niche) if it is not bringing in enough responses ? 

    • Hi JJ,

      I am glad that you found the review helpful.  I tried to make it as detailed as possible without boring the pants off my readers.

      As far as your question, I am not really sure I understand it fully.  But let me try to answer as best as I can.  

      You mention changing what you are offering “within a niche”.  I believe that you can absolutely do this.  I also run a fishing blog which is my absolute passion by the way :).  I was promoting awesome terminal tackle (for all you non fishermen/women that means hooks, weights, swivels, bobbers…….).  While my site had readers that stuck around for a long time on my site (this means they like my content), they were not acting on my recommendations.  This means I made no money.  But!  They found my “how to” content helpful which was great. 

      So I started to promote things like coolers, safety flotation devices, filletting knives etc….  And the results were pretty awesome.  I started making sales…..   So yes you can change what you are offering “within a niche”.

      I hope this helps!

      To your success,

      Mike A

  5. Hi Mike,

    I have been the same situation as you before, jumping in every making money opportunity but turn out to be a scam. Luckily, l stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate while surfing on the net. After reading a few of the reviews, l decided to give to a try. After all, l have nothing to lose as it is free to sign up.

    Within a month, l built a website just following the Wealthy Affiliate training. I know this the right platform for me to my business empire and immediately upgrade to premium membership to take advantage of the full features provided in order to bring my online business to the next level.

    Mike, l endorse all the things you have mentioned about Wealthy Affiliate and l won’t hesitate to recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone, at any time.



    • Hi Shui Hyen,

      Thank you for your comments!  I know what it is to be so excited about the idea to make money online and to get suckered into all kinds of scams.  I always thought I was “wise to the world” but the truth is that these scammers know exactly how to pull on your heartstrings.

      The good news is that there are an equal amount ( I truly believe this) of people that want to help!  Wealthy Affiliate was that platform for me.  Kyle, Carson and Jay (I know Jay is not a founder but I see it as a package deal :)) truly and honestly care about making their community members successful.  I was fortunate to stumble onto this training and the results have been amazing.  

      Truth is that even when I joined WA, I did not really take it seriously.  I was still looking for a quick fix.  It took me a while to settle down and understand that making money online is just like any other business.  You have to put in the work!   There are no short cuts!

      I hope my readers at least take a look at this review and give Wealthy Affiliate a chance.  There is no way to lose!  Try it for free and see if it is right for you.  I know it was right for me !

      To your success!

      Mike A

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