Having an extra source of income is essential in this day and age. Whether you want to make extra money to pay down debt, increase your savings or just plan for the next awesome vacation, you may need a part time job. Maybe you are just exploring ways to make money other than with your current job?
The problem is that it can be difficult to hold two or more regular jobs just to make some extra cash on the side. Most times, more than one job leaves no room for actually living, because you will end up constantly working with no time to socialize, meet friends or family, or to even just sit back and relax.
Luckily, this is not the case with part-time online jobs. Online jobs give you the flexibility to choose your own hours while letting you decide how much you would ideally like to earn. You get to work as much as you want, and the income you earn is directly proportional to how much effort you put into the job. This means you can finally have several different jobs while enjoying the quality of life you have always wanted. Plus, the best ones are absolutely free! Here are several part-time jobs for free to help you get started.
According to Wikipedia, a freelancer is a person who is self-employed and not committed to a single employer. Freelancers offer their services for a fee with no expectation of a permanent single client.
Freelancing is a popular online job that a lot of people are engaged in. Most part-time online jobs are freelancing jobs. And for good reason. Freelancing has an unlimited earning potential, which means you can basically make as much money as you want doing this.
One of the best sites to source freelancing jobs is Upwork. All you need to do is sift through the available work and try to find one that best suits your skills. However, there are also several other ways of getting these freelancing jobs, which I will touch on a little later in this article.
The thing about freelancing is that you need to have some idea of what you intend to do for people. What are you good at? Identify a skill you have, then narrow it down to a particular niche. Make sure you only apply to jobs you know you can do well, because getting your next job depends on the rating your current client will give you.
There are several jobs you can do as a freelancer. Here are some of them:
If you are passionate about writing, this job is the perfect fit for you. As a freelance writer, your job is to attempt to meet the staggering demand for web content by writing blog posts, press releases, eBooks, product reviews, among other types of articles online. There are also specialized academic writing jobs, which pay better but require more specialized knowledge. With these, you may be required to write for medical journals, help write academic theses, or do some legal research.
The pay for freelance writing jobs also varies greatly, and often, it depends on the client’s budget. At the lower end of the spectrum, you can get some writers on Fiverr who charge around $5 for 500 words. Depending on how good you are, you can even charge $50 to $100 for 500 word articles. The best part about this is that you get to set your own rates and you can be as flexible as you want with your clients.
Social media management involves managing other people’s social media pages and getting paid to do that. If you are active on social media, you can make quite a bit of money posting on behalf of businesses and individuals.
All you need to prove is your knowledge about the different social media platforms. You also need to have decent organizational and communication skills, but this is something that can be built and learned on the job.
The earnings of a social media marketer depend on the type of clients they have, the number of clients they have, and the number of social media platforms they are proficient in.
Everyone delegates jobs these days. Why not be the person all these jobs are delegated to? As a virtual assistant, your job is to basically make your employer’s life easier. This means handling repetitive simple but labor intensive tasks such as data entry, social media management, administrative tasks, ghost-writing, researching, among other such tasks.
Virtual assistants make anywhere from $20 to $100 an hour depending on their employer and the job they need to do. To be a good virtual assistant, you need to be willing to constantly learn and pick up new skills every day. The more knowledgeable you are, the more money you stand to make.
If you are good at catching errors when reading, and if you cringe at grammar errors, proofreading might be the perfect job for you. Proofreaders read through written work and fix any errors that they find.
Like any freelance job, you set your own rates as a proofreader. However, industry standards are anywhere between $15 to $30 an hour. Of course, this all depends on the clients you have, your quality of work, and the platform you choose to work with.
To be a good graphic designer, you need to have a good eye for design and color, and have at least some experience with Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator.
To make money, you can find jobs on UpWork or specialized sites like 99designs, crowdspring, designcrowd. If you are really good, consider hosting classes on sites like Skillshare and making a passive income from your skills.
You will also need to have a website and social media pages if you want to reach a much wider audience. Showcase your work on these platforms and invite people to hire your services.
As a transcriptionist, your job is to listen to audio files and type out what you hear. All you need is good typing skills and some decent grammar skills and you’ll be good to go.
Transcriptionists get paid per audio hour, and the pay can be anywhere from $5 to $50 depending on the site you work with. However, you can make a lot more than that if you choose to go solo and build your own business.
Although this job is not the most glamorous one on this list, and although it can be difficult to make a livable income from it, it is possible to make upwards of $50 to $100 every month from a single survey site. You can maximize your earning potential by signing up to several survey sites and letting that income add up. This way, you may end up making quite a lot of money doing what you do every day.
If you intend to go all in with this method, consider setting up a dedicated email account just for your survey jobs. Once you sign up for survey sites, you will be getting tons of survey emails and promos every day, so it is best not to mix these up with your other emails.
Some of the best survey sites that you can apply to include Swagbucks, Survey Junkie and Prize Rebel.
Online tutoring is another great part-time online job that you can take advantage of for free. If you enjoy helping others learn new things, and if you have a good grasp of a particular subject, this may be the perfect opportunity for you.
Several popular sites require that you prove your qualifications, but there are some sites that will let you teach even without a degree in that specific field. For example, if you are a college student, you may be able to tutor high school kids.
The best part of tutoring is that you can do it from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. It is a very convenient part-time job.
If you are bilingual or multilingual, and if you have a good grasp of the English language, you can monetize that skill and start making money online. There are millions of people willing to learn English as a second language, so your potential market is huge.
One of the biggest markets for English in the world is China, so if you can speak Mandarin, the sky is the limit. Through a site like VIPKID, you will get to teach 5 to 12 year olds English from the comfort of your home. You may be required to prove your qualifications for the job, though. If you have a college degree and some experience working with kids, you will be good to go.
The pay ranges from $15 to $30 an hour depending on how good you are and the level of experience you have.
Working as a customer service rep is another great way to make money online. The best part is that most companies are moving towards this direction and away from hiring permanent staff. This means there is no shortage of remote job opportunities if this is something you are interested in.
Some of the best companies to work for today include American Express, Hilton, Apple, AAA, Great VirtualWorks, Amazon, LiveOps and Apptical. The pay ranges from $9 to $21 an hour depending on the company.
Are you very knowledgeable in a particular subject? You can easily turn what you already know into a course and start selling it as a part-time job. The best part is that you can start doing this for absolutely free on some sites.
One of the most popular online platforms for selling online courses is Skillshare. Skillshare has created an online community where anyone can discover, take or teach a class. The more videos you make the more money you stand to make.
Other platforms that you can also try out include Teachable and Udemy.
The beauty of this method is that it is truly recurring income. You work to create your content once, and people can use that same content over and over. You get paid for work you did once!
Here is another article I wrote about the best way to make a passive income online if you are interested
Affiliate marketing is a business model that alows you to make money promoting other people’s products or services. As an affiliate marketer, your job is to convince people to buy a particular product or service, and when they do, the product owner pays you a commission.
In many ways, affiliate marketing is quite different from freelancing. For starters, you do not own any products or services of your own as an affiliate. You only promote someone else’s products. This means that all the work that is involved in producing and packaging the product is already done for you. At the same time, the significant risk that comes with stockpiling product with no guarantee of everything being sold is also non-existent.
This is just one of the reasons why I believe that affiliate marketing is hands down one of the best free online part-time jobs that anyone can do. Here are a few more benefits of affiliate marketing:
– It allows you to be your own boss. You promote the products you want, and make all the important decisions that come with running your own business. You are answerable to no one.
– It has a very low barrier to entry. Unlike other money making methods such as tutoring, you do not need any qualifications to get started. Anyone at any age with any level of education can get started.
– It is a very low risk business venture. You do not buy any stock, and you do not have to be committed to one specific vendor.
– It is also very cheap to set up. All you need is a domain and site!
– It has an uncapped earning potential. The more you sell the more money you stand to make. This means that you can literally make as much money as you want. The sky is the limit!
As you can see, there are several reasons why affiliate marketing would make such an awesome part-time job. If you are committed to working hard and building your own business from the ground up, this is the online business venture for you.
There are many part-time online jobs on the internet. They all offer great ways for people to make a little extra money online. Of these, however, I believe that affiliate marketing is the best one, because none of the others can match the level of freedom affiliate marketing can give you.
I love the idea of having an asset that works for you 24 hours day. It is not location dependent either. The whole internet is your potential customer base.
While affiliate marketing can be very lucrative, it does take some basic knowledge along with dedication and hard work. You could go at it alone, looking through the internet for guidance. Or you could let me help you 🙂
I hope this article gives you a great starting point on your online part-time job venture. Please leave me your thoughts or comments below and I will get back to you in no time flat!
To your success,
Mike A